Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Getting an ITIN in Canada - Steps 1 and 2

I finally began the process on the weekend to obtain my ITIN for use for self-publishing in order to avoid tax withholding.

Step #1
I sent a message to Smashwords to request a letter indicating my intention to self-publish.  i already received a confirmatory email indicating this letter will be sent to me in the mail.

Step #2
I headed down to my local passport Canada office yesterday, in order to apply for a certified copy of my passport, which will need to be sent to the IRS, along with the above letter, for the ITIN application.

The application for apply for certified passport copies can be found here on the Government of Canada website.  

For $45, I can get up to 3 copies.  I did choose to ask for three, just in case something is incorrect with my application when I finally send it in.  It will take two weeks to get the certified copies, and I am unsure how long it will take to get the letter from Smashwords.  But I am finally on my way to getting my ITIN!  Step #3 will be the last one - filling out the W-7 and sending everything to the IRS. I will update again at this point.

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