Tuesday, March 25, 2014

A New Cover Design

So with the new chapters of 'Testers', going up every Tuesday on Wattpad, I decided my story needed a new cover design.  I came up with this:

I'm going for a gritty, warehouse feeling.  Does it work for you?  Any feedback would be appreciated.  Either way, I think it's ten step above what I had up before (which I'm kind of embarrassed about now).

And if you haven't noticed already, I posted the latest chapter of 'Testers' on Wattpad today.  Read it for free here.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Round 1 Results

I made it!

Tales of a Redheaded Sea-Witch made it through the first round of the 2014 Amazon Breakthrough Novel Awards!  Oh, happy, happy day.  There is a long path ahead yet - the next round of entrants isn't announced until mid-April - which means a lot of time to focus on The Other Writing Projects (TOWP).

Which leads to more good news!  The next chapter of Testers will be released today.  This afternoon my time, to be exact.  Once I find myself comfortably settled in a local coffee shop and get through a final round of editing with a large cup of tea.  Then it's off on the rough draft of the chapter for next week.

Currently, I'm working on a short story draft that I'm going to get some help with from the local writer in residence - Thank you very much!  And I have a bunch of editing to do on my 2013 NaNoWriMo project.

And numerous other projects that I work on as the mood strikes.

The last thing for today is to celebrate the small achievements.  I'm thinking an extra donut at the coffee house.  Click the link below to see the list of complete round 1 winners of the ABNAs.  Congratualtions to everyone who made it, and to those that had the courage enter.


Sunday, March 16, 2014

Spring Has Sprung

Living in Saskatchewan means a lonngggggggg winter.  I always feel refreshed and happy when spring arrives and love nothing more than sitting outside, walking outside, and opening the windows in my house.  Today is a beautiful day.  The snow is melting and will hopefully be gone by the end of the week.  Soon, the grass will turn green.

With spring, comes spring cleaning.  And for my writing that means re-evaluating my goals.  I'm working on Testers, my Wattpad work, and have it scheduled to wrap up in June.  See the link in the previous post if you haven't checked it out yet.  I promise a lot more excitement to come.  The first round of the 2014 ABNA's is announced this week.  I'm hoping to make the cut.  And then there is my meeting with the local Writer in Residence coming up in a couple weeks.  Lots to do and lots to get ready for.  And I'm excited for it all!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

New Chapter Posted! Chapter 4!

It has taken a very long time but I finally have posted chapter 4 for my work in progress, currently titled "Testers" to WattPad.

Now I'm thinking I need a new title.  Any ideas?  What kind of cover art do you think a book like this should have?

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Finished a Notebook

There are many things in my writing life that make me happy.  One of them is finishing a notebook.  By finishing I mean filling it margin to margin with words, scribbles, and yes, even a few doodles.  I love buying empty notebooks, and even though I often have a supply of at least five ready to go when I need them, I have a hard time not buying one when I find a beautifully designed journal.

Currently, I'm waiting to see if Tales makes it through the pitch round of the 2014 Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award, and have many projects to keep me busy.  But one thing I've spent time working on is writing by hand.  So of course I have my new notebook ready to go.  It smells like leather, it's imprinted with leaves, and it's just the thing I need for spring.